This study, according the importance to plastic arts in Ponge's work, aimes to clarify ways in which his texts associate and express different disciplines : poetry, picture and sculpture. Ponge might be said to create an « experiential space », through art criticisme which incline him to deepen reflection on art in two dimensions and art in three dimensions ; their boundaries would be made cloudy.
We see first the coherence of the Ponge's original materialism based on tangibles letters and his poetic which adapts verbally text to its subject. Traditionary, poetry and picture are seen both in two dimensions, their mutual relations discussed. However Ponge discerns these disciplines in a tangible presence similar to sculptural art, recognizes similarity between his poetry and pictural art.
Second, we ask ways in which Ponge describes sculpture originally in three dimensions. Our analysis of textes on sculptors, Alberto Giacometti and Abel.les Fenosa, show that in Ponge's writing their works appear to be, contrary to general perception, not a mass occupying a space, but what makes feel the reader in a vacant space with distance or expanse.
These observations lead us to conclude that, in texts on plastic arts which bring picture and sculpture together in three dimensions, Ponge attempts to evoke a « experiential space » what could be touched or where the reader should enter.