ドイツ近代美術(19世紀末~20世紀)は、明確な綱領を持つ芸術家集団(Gruppe, Bund, Verein, Ratほか)の結成・解散を特徴とする。その歴史は、近代社会における共同体/集合体関連の変容や、社会システムや規範の機能主義的分化、また文化の複雑化を映出する。
German modern art(from the end of 19th- to 20th-century) is characterized by the formation and dissolution of many artists groups(Gruppe, Bund, Verein, Rat etc.) with a clear program. Its history reflects the transformation of community/association context in modern societies, the functionalistic fragmentation of social systems and the diversification and complexity of cultures.
At present, when artistic values are diversifying and "after the end of art"(postmodernism) is being asked, the most important issue is nothing but "design". This research focuses on the design school "Bauhaus" with the theme of "State of Emergency"(C.Schmitt) as non-normative, extralegal state, and based on the Gnostic dualism and the monism of German Monistenbund, in order to interpret an innovative design/art concept as an ethical production act in the contemporary society.