In this study, we aimed to elucidate the growth mechanism of oxides formed on compound semiconductors surfaces by using high-sensitivity infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS). So far, it has been empirically known that the compound semiconductors, such as gallium-arsenide (GaAs) and indium-phosphide (InP), have significantly different oxidation behaviors depending on background environments, for examples in water and in air. In-situ measurement can elucidate surface changes caused by such environments in real time. IRAS is used to analyze the growth process of oxides that occur on a nanometer spatial scale in real time and in the real environment. The oxide growth mechanism of compound semiconductors was considered based on the Deal-Grove model, which is a typical model that explains the oxide growth of silicon semiconductors. Various physical quantities were extracted by using results obtained by IRAS and other techniques such as photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy.
Generally, the signal intensities of Ga and As oxides are weak due to those small amounts on the surface. Thus, it is difficult to gain quantitative information with a conventional IRAS experiments. In this study, we introduced a new liquid nitrogen-cooled high-sensitivity detector, which enable to measure signals from the surface in a shorter time than before. As a result, we succeeded in tracking how water molecules adsorb and how the oxidation progresses on the surfaces.
The spectral data obtained by in-situ measurement is enormous, and data processing also takes time. In order to solve this point, we built analysis macro to efficiently extract the required physical quantity.
Domestic manufacturers have a large world share of GaAs and InP, which were the main targets in this research. We will provide information on the results obtained in this research and explore the possibility of joint research.