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タイトル |
海産動物を材料とした非モデル生物の発生現象 (卵成熟、受精、成長、形態形成) の解明
カナ |
カイサン ドウブツ オ ザイリョウ トシタ ヒモデル セイブツ ノ ハッセイ ゲンショウ (ランセイジュク、ジュセイ、セイチョウ、ケイタイ ケイセイ) ノ カイメイ
ローマ字 |
Kaisan dōbutsu o zairyō toshita himoderu seibutsu no hassei genshō (ranseijuku, jusei, seichō, keitai keisei) no kaimei
別タイトル |
名前 |
Study on developmental phenomena in non-model marine invertebrates : oocyte maturation, fertilization, growth and morphogenesis
カナ |
ローマ字 |
著者 |
名前 |
倉石, 立
カナ |
クライシ, リツ
ローマ字 |
Kuraishi, Ritsu
所属 |
所属(翻訳) |
役割 |
Research team head
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出版者 |
名前 |
カナ |
ケイオウ ギジュク ダイガク
ローマ字 |
Keiō gijuku daigaku
日付 |
出版年(from:yyyy) |
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更新日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
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博士論文情報 |
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抄録 |
Dinophilus 属多毛類に関する研究
1) 受精可能な卵を採取する技術の模索
Dinophilus sp のメス胚を卵嚢から取り出し、オス胚から隔離することで未交尾のメスを得る技術を確立した。未交尾メスは産卵せず、卵を体内に蓄積した。卵蓄積後にオスと交尾させることで、これらのメスが発生可能な卵を産むことを確かめ、未交尾メスが体内に蓄積する卵が受精可能な未受精卵であることが明らかにした。今後は、このような卵を体外に採取し、体外受精を可能にする系の確立を試みる。
2) EdU による精子の標識と交尾後の精子の追跡
1) アスタチン族メタロプロアーゼMC5分子によりアポトーシス細胞死は回避されているか?
2) 受精後の初期胚から得た分離割球の胚期と幼生期における成長特性
1-1 Preparation of fertilizable oocytes of Dinophilus sp
We established the protocol to obtain virgin female of Dinophilus sp by isolating female embryos from cocoons and allowed develop solitarily. The females stored fully grown oocytes in their body cavity but could not spawn. Since the females spawned fertilized eggs after mating with males, we confirmed the stored oocytes are fertilizable. We are now examining the apropreate condition to fertilize these oocytes in vitro.
1-2 Labeling spermatozoa in developing male embryo of Dinophilus sp
In order to trace the behavior of spermatozoa within female body after mating, we tried to label sperm nuclei in developing male embryo. In the preliminary study, we confirmed that pulse treatment of EdU on the third day of development resulted in clear labeling of spermatogonia in male embryos. However, the treated embryos ceased development because of the cytotoxity of EdU. Examination of apropreate condition of EdU labeling of spermatozoa is in progress
2-1 MC5 molecule (Astacine metalloprotease)prevents to trigger apoptotic cell death of the epithelial cells?
We examined the possibility of the MC5 molecule, which induces epithelial cell proliferation through activating the TGFb, being responsible for the survival of the epithelial cell itself. Electron microscopy of samples whose expression was suppressed by morpholino-oligo (MO) injection displays cell fragmentation characteristic of apoptotic cell death only in the MC5-MO samples and not in the TGFb-MO samples. Furthermore, simultaneous injection of peptidic apoptosis inhibitor and MC5-MO relieved significant decrease cell numbers characteristic of effect of only MC5-MO.
2-2 (2) The developmental characteristics of the isolated blastomeres after insemination during the embryonic and larval stages
It was discovered that in contrast to the synchronous embryonic development, during the bipinnaria larval stage when feeding takes place, there exist size-dependent shifts in the developmental stages of starfish larvae. Experiments examining the need for feeding in larvae suggested that maternal nutrition was capable of providing for the first half of the bipinnaria stage, whereas feeding was a necessity to continue developing thereafter. When the TRPA-MO was used to suppress the TRPA channel, in which temperature-sensitive sensory neurons are expressed, it had no effect at the embryonic stage but caused a reduction in the feeding amount of bipinnaria larvae and consequently significantly delayed growth. This raised the possibility that sensory nerve cells are involved in the growth of starfish larvae.
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