In this year (first year of the 3-year project), geomorphological and sedimentological analyses were conducted in the Kashima Lowland, Minamisoma, Fukusima Prefecture. Aerialphoto interpretation and analyses of 5 m digital elevation model (DEM) indicate distribution of a beach ridge along the present coast and floodplain, which consists of back swamp, natural levee, and paleo-channel, behind the ridge.
On the basis of distribution of microtopography and feature of subsurface sediments estimated from analyses of existing boring logs, drilling survey was conducted in the Kashima Lowland. Lithofacies, grain-size distribution, diatom assemblages, and radiocarbon dating shows that incised valley fills in the lowland consists of estuary sediments ca. 10,000 to 8,000 cal BP, inner bay to delta sediments ca. 8,000 to 5,500 cal BP, and subsequent fluvial sediments, from lower to upper. Although such broad feature of incised valley fills was clarified, detection of sediments related to earthquake and flooding remains to be solved.
For detail landform classification, which helps disaster mitigation, it is firstly important to detect landform development and sedimentary environmental change correlated with earthquake and flooding in the Kashima Lowland, throughout further analyses of sediment cores obtained in this year. In addition, survey of other alluvial plains with different regional settings such as area of drainage basin and feature of crustal movements is also necessary. These efforts will be done in the next year.