今年度、収集したデータや情報は、現在、集計や整理が概ね終わりつつあるところである。これらのデータを精緻に分析し、2022年8月には国際高麗学会 第15回コリア学 国際学術討論会にて「在日コリアンの言語生活と意識」と題する口頭発表を行う予定である(採択決定)。また、本研究は筆者がこれまで世界各地で行ってきた在外朝鮮民族に関する研究に方法論的基礎を置いたものである。そのため、今後は日本調査の結果分析と並行して、中国、アメリカ、ロシア、ウズベキスタン、カザフスタンなどにおける調査結果との比較もさらに行っていきたい。
本年度はコロナ禍の影響を受け、予定が大幅に遅れるという事態になった。しかし、在日コリアンは目下、4、5 世を擁し、集住地域においてさえ民族性が低下している。本研究の成果を早期にまとめ、社会に発信していきたい。
The purpose of this study is to clarify the language use, attitudes, culture, and identity of Korean residents in Japan. Specifically, I conducted a questionnaire and interview survey on their language use, attitudes, culture, and identity, targeting ethnic schools and groups of Koreans living in Japan (old-comer) in various parts of Japan, in an attempt to discover the diversity of Koreans living in Japan and the differences between Koreans in Japan and Koreans in the world from a macro perspective.
While the survey direction was set as described above, unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic during the period of this study, I could not conduct it in a wider area as originally planned. Nevertheless, I was able to conduct surveys in Kochi, Shimane, Nagoya, and other areas where Korean residents in Japan are widely dispersed, to understand the nature of the contemporary Korean community in Japan and the issues they face.
Further, online interviews were also conducted, and as many as 500 responses were obtained in paper-based questionnaires from various parts of Japan, including regions not mentioned above.
The work of compilation and organization of the data and information I have collected this academic year is almost complete. Based on a careful analysis of these data, I plan to make an oral presentation titled "Language Life and Attitudes of Korean Residents in Japan" at the 15th International Conference on Korean Studies of the International Society for Korean Studies scheduled for August 2022 (adopted). The methodological basis of this study is the author's research in various parts of the world on ethnic Koreans living abroad. Therefore, alongside the analysis of the results of the survey conducted in Japan, I intend to compare the results with those of surveys conducted in China, the United States, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and other countries.
This year's survey schedule was significantly delayed due to COVID-19. However, the Korean population in Japan is now in its fourth and fifth generations, and is losing its ethnic identity even in the areas where it is concentrated. I intend to compile the results of this study at the earliest possible time to disseminate them to society.