国営火災保険の導入と同時に、ネップ期だけでなく集団化期と第 2 次世界大戦直前の 1930 年代、さらに戦後直後の経済復興期にも出火件数は高止まりを続いていた。ほとんどの火事・放火は経済的理由によるものであったが、農民は火災保険の中に経済的困難から抜け出す救済の手段を見出していた。全く同様の状況が戦後のソヴェト農村においても繰り返されていたが、火事・放火を含む災害の件数は戦前の水準をはるかに超える規模に達していた。このことは火災・災害保険が戦後においてもソヴェト農民経営にとって経済的困難からの抜け道として機能し続けていたことを意味した。一方、戦後においても国営火災保険事業は赤字に落ちることなく、常に大きな黒字を保ち、ソヴェト政権の財政の源泉となっていた。他方、火災保険をはじめとする国営農業保険はソ連農業の発展よりは停滞をもたらす主な原因の一つとなり、ソ連崩壊の下地になっていた。
研究課題をまとめた論文「ソヴェト農村における火事、放火と国営火災保険:1917-1957」を慶應義塾大学経済学会『三田学会雑誌』第 111 巻 4 号(2019 年 1 月)に、また論文「ソヴェト農村における家畜の死亡、屠畜と国営家畜保険:1917-1957」を慶應義塾大学経済学会『三田学会雑誌』第112巻3号に刊行したが、目下、上記の二つの論文を欧米学術雑誌への投稿を準備しているが、Slavonic and Eastern European ReviewとSlavic Reviewという雑誌に投稿する予定である。さらに、論文「国営作物保険」と「国営農業保険」を日本学術雑誌へ投稿する準備をしている。
なお、1957 年から 1990 年までの火事・災害と国営災害保険について、目下ロシアの図書館と公文書館から収集してきた史料の整理とデータの構築を進め、投稿論文を執筆中である。
The Bolshevik government, led by Lenin, who decided to introduce a new economic policy (Nep) after the war communist period immediately after the revolution, introduced compulsory fire insurance to protect peasants.
At the same time as the introduction of national fire insurance, the number of fires remained high not only during the Nep period but also during the collectivization period, in 1930s just before World War II, and the economic recovery period immediately after the war. Most fires and arson were for financial reasons, but peasants found in fire insurance a remedy to get out of financial hardship. The exact same situation was repeated in postwar Soviet villages, but the number of disasters, including fires and arson, far exceeded prewar levels. This meant that fire and disaster insurance continued to function as a way out of financial difficulties for Soviet peasants even after the war. On the other hand, even after the war, the national fire insurance business did not fall into the red and always kept a large surplus, which was the source of the Soviet administration's finances. On the other hand, national agricultural insurance such as fire insurance was one of the main causes of stagnation rather than the development of Soviet agriculture, and became the basis for the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The paper "Fire, Arson and National Fire Insurance in Rural Soviet: 1917-1957", which summarizes the research topics, was published in Keio Economic Society "Mita Journal of Economics" Vol. 111, No. 4 (January 2019), and the paper "Livestock Deaths, Slaughter and National Livestock Insurance in Rural Soviet: 1917-1957" was published in Keio Economic Society "Mita Journal of Economics" Vol. 112, No. 3. Furthermore, I am currently preparing to submit the above two papers to English academic journals, plan to submit them to the journals: Slavonic and Eastern European Review and Slavic Review in April 2021. Furthermore, I am preparing to submit the treatises "National Crop Insurance" and "National Agricultural Insurance" to Japanese academic journals.
In addition, with regard to fires / disasters and national disaster insurance from 1957 to 1990, on the basis of the raw historical materials that were excavated and collected from Russian libraries and archives, I am writing a paper for submission to the journal.