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Last updated |
:Nov 30, 2023 |
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本文公開日 |
タイトル |
タイトル |
カナ |
ヒカリ イデンガク オ オウヨウシタ アタラシイ シカク サイセイ ギジュツ ノ カクリツ
ローマ字 |
Hikari idengaku o ōyōshita atarashii shikaku saisei gijutsu no kakuritsu
別タイトル |
名前 |
Establishment of novel therapeutic technology utilizing optogenetics
カナ |
ローマ字 |
著者 |
名前 |
栗原, 俊英
カナ |
クリハラ, トシヒデ
ローマ字 |
Kurihara, Toshihide
所属 |
所属(翻訳) |
役割 |
Research team head
外部リンク |
版 |
出版地 |
出版者 |
名前 |
カナ |
フクザワ キキン ウンエイ イインカイ
ローマ字 |
Fukuzawa kikin un'ei iinkai
日付 |
出版年(from:yyyy) |
出版年(to:yyyy) |
作成日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
更新日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
記録日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
形態 |
上位タイトル |
名前 |
翻訳 |
巻 |
号 |
年 |
月 |
開始ページ |
終了ページ |
医中誌ID |
その他ID |
博士論文情報 |
学位授与番号 |
学位授与年月日 |
学位名 |
学位授与機関 |
抄録 |
There has been no preventive or therapeutic approaches for retinitis pigmentosa and dry type of age-related macular degeneration; thus, establishment of therapeutic technology is demanded to date. These diseases have a common phenotype such as remains of inner neurons in spite of the lost of photoreceptors in the retina. Therefore, vision restoration technologies utilizing this phenotype have been developed. Among them, optogenetic technology has been applied for the purpose of visual restoration and has attracted attention. We have established a novel technology utilizing chimera rhodopsin which is generated with a combination of microbial and animal opsins and obtained to an ability to G protein activation by light stimulation. This novel technology has shown higher sensitivity and preventive effect in the degenerating retina.
In this study, we have succeeded to establish an examination system to quantify 11-cis-retinal and all-trans-retinal which are metabolites of vitamin A utilizing high performance liquid chromatography. With this system, we have been examining the change of retinal isomerization by light stimulation under the chimera rhodopsin gene transduction. Furthermore, we have been examining to quantify endoplasmic reticulum stress in order to reveal the down stream mechanism. These results will reveal novel neuronal circuit and metabolism in the retina and eventually will help to establish visual restoration and prevention against degenerative retinal diseases.
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