これまでの研究で取得した大規模描画データを用いて描画AIエージェントを構築した.具体的には,Ha & Eckによって提案されたsketch-rnn [Ha & Eck, 2017]と呼ばれる再帰型変分自己符号化器(variational recurrent autoencoder: VRAE)をベースとした深層学習モデルを構築した.また,描画AIエージェントの構築と並行して,JavaScriptを用いてWebアプリケーションを構築し,ブラウザ上で人と描画AIエージェントとのインタラクションを可能にした.
前述のVRAEの損失関数である変分下限について,Higginsら[Higgins et al., 2016]によって提案されているbeta-VAEの知見に基づき,学習における再構成誤差とKLダイバージェンスの寄与度を決定するハイパーパラメータβを導入した.このβの値の大小の違いによって,描画AIエージェントの行動が受動的になる場合(β=1.0)と能動的になる場合(β=0.1)があることを見出した.これにより,インタラクション実験における描画AIエージェントの行動様式を決定づけることが可能になった.
This study aims to understand the relationship between interaction styles with others and (developmental) psychiatric symptoms. In particular, we design a cooperative drawing task as an example of interaction and conduct a large-scale web experiment on the interaction between a human and a drawing AI agent. The relationship between the results of analysis on interaction dynamics and psychiatric symptoms will be exploratory investigated.
This research is a two-year project. In the first year, we mainly developed an experimental platform for the interaction between a human and a drawing AI agent. In the second year, large-scale web experiments will be mainly conducted by using the experimental platform built in the first year. The following is an overview of the results of the first year's research activity.
A drawing AI agent was created by using large-scale drawing data acquired in our previous studies. Specifically, we developed a deep learning model based on a variational recurrent autoencoder (VRAE) called sketch-rnn [Ha & Eck, 2017]. In parallel with the development of the drawing AI agent, we also built a web application using JavaScript to enable the interaction experiment in a web browser.
For the variational lower bound, the loss function of the aforementioned VRAE, we introduced a hyperparameter β that determines the contribution of the reconstruction loss and KL divergence in the learning process, based on the findings of beta-VAE proposed by Higgins et al. [Higgins et al, 2016]. We found that depending on the value of β, the drawing AI agent's behavior can be reactive (β=1.0) or proactive (β=0.1). This allows us to determine the behavioral manner of the drawing AI agent in the forthcoming interaction experiments.