COVID-19の原因となるSARS-CoV-2は、ウイルス表面に発現しているSpike(SP)タンパク質が、ヒト細胞上のアンジオテンシン変換酵素II(hACE2)に結合することでヒトの細胞質内へ侵入、感染する。SARS-CoV2-SPとhACE2のProtein-Protein Interaction (PPI)の結合界面は、hACE2のヘリックス表面に3つの結合部位としてそれぞれ10Å程度離れて分布しており、広く浅いといった特徴を有する。そのため、これを阻害するには従来の「低分子薬らしさ」の指標である「分子量500以下」という従来の考え方を超えた、より大きな分子(中分子)が望ましい。また、中分子創薬で昨今着目されているペプチド・核酸医薬は生体内安定性や膜透過性が低いという問題がある。
SARS-CoV2, which is responsible for COVID-19, enters into human cell by binding to ACE2 on the human cell surface using the Spike protein (SP) of the virus. Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) between SP-ACE2 occurs at the wide and shallow interface. In order to inhibit the PPI, middle-sized compounds with molecular weight of higher than 500. Here, we aim to discover synthetic middle-sized compounds to inhibit the PPI as candidates for the innovative drugs against COVID-19.
We evaluated 5,000 middle-sized compounds by pseudo-virus infection assay and ELISA assay. We found 4 hits compound by pseudo-virus infection assay. However, they did not exhibit inhibitory activity for the PPI by ELISA assay. From the ELISA assay, we found 3 compounds. Then, in order to investigate whether the compounds bind to SP or ACE2, we established large scale expression and purification method for the two proteins, and executed the binding assay by NMR spectroscopy, indicating that they all bind to ACE2. We will carry out the structural biological analysis to obtain structural basis of the PPI inhibition for further rational drug design.