本研究計画は、オーストラリアで申請予定であったプロジェクト "Cascading Hazards in the Indo-pacific World: Seas, Coasts and Hinterlands in an age of Changing Climates" にマッチングファンドとして資金支出することを意図していた。ところが2020年度途中になってプロジェクトリーダーよりマッチングファンドではない別の枠組みで申請することにしたとの連絡があり、予定の支出ができなくなった。そこでオランダに調査に赴き資料を収集したいと考えたが、これもコロナ禍によって断念せざるを得なかった。
そこで今年度は、既に収集していた統計資料のデータ化を進めた。資料は蘭領東インド中央統計局が刊行した、C. W. Bagchus, Maandgemiddelden en bouwgrondoccupaties per district van de negen belangrijkste Inlandsche Landbouwgewassen op Java en Madoera in de jaren 1920 tot en met 1925 (Mededeelingen van het Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek 65), Batavia: Landsdrukkerij, 1929 である。本資料は1920-25年におけるジャワ・マドゥラ島の地域消費用主要9作物の栽培・収穫状況の平均値が郡レベルで記載される。そのためこれは、本研究が注目している1903年、1920-21年における稲の不作がどの程度のものであり、それによって農民がどのように他の作物に転換したのかを確かめる基準となる。
This research project was intended to cooperate with a project proposed for the Australian Research Council, "Cascading Hazards in the Indo-pacific World: Seas, Coasts and Hinterlands in an age of Changing Climates," in the form of matching fund. However, as the project leader decided in the middle of 2020 that they apply for another funding framework without matching funds, it became impossible to use this fund for the intended purpose. Next I pland to do research in the Netherlands for data collection, I had to abandon it because of the global coronavirus epidemic.
Therefore I decided to digitize the information of the material that I had collected before. The chosen material is C. W. Bagchus, Manthly averages and occupation of the arable lands per district of the nine most important Native Crops on Java and Madura during the years 1920 to 1925 inclusive (Bulletin of the central bureau of statistics 65), Batavia: Landsdrukkerij, 1929. This material includes the information of the cultivation and harvest of the 9 important products for domestic consumption, indicating their average figures at the county level. The information from thiis material therefore functions as reference points to compare the data in crop-failure years in 1903 and 1919-20, which I am targeting.
I hired 2 part-time workers to input the data in Excel files. As a result, they finished inputting all the data from the statistics per province, and those of wit-field rice, dry-field rice, maize, and a part of cassava data from the statistics per crop. I have already obtained the data from the above-mentioned crop-failure years, now I can start to analyze the extent and characteristics of the cultivation and production of these years, in comparison with those of average years.
As I conduct research in the Netherlands for the academic year 2021 on the basis of the Fukuzawa-fund (studying abroad), I do not apply for the current fund for the same period. I will apply for the same fund in 2022, in order to continue this project.