B型肝炎ウイルス(HBV)は、肝細胞に侵入し肝炎を引き起こす。全世界には約2.4億人の慢性B型肝炎患者が存在し(WHO Fact sheet NO. 204)、慢性B型肝炎は肝癌や肝硬変などの重篤な疾患のリスクを高めるため、B型肝炎の克服は重要な課題である。HBVは、外殻タンパク質のpreS1領域が、肝細胞に特異的に発現した胆汁酸トランスポーター(NTCP)と結合することにより、肝細胞に侵入する。したがって、このpreS1とNTCPの相互作用は抗HBV薬の標的となりうる。そこで本研究は、preS1とNTCPの複合体構造を原子分解能で解明することにより、preS1とNTCPの相互作用の阻害を機序とする薬剤の創製に必要な立体構造情報を得ることを目指した。
Chronic hepatitis B is a global health problem caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, which leads to liver cancer and liver cirrhosis. HBV enters hepatocytes via NTCP, an HBV receptor specifically expressed in the cytoplasmic membrane of hepatocytes, where an N-terminal region referred to as preS1 of an HBV surface protein (L protein) directly binds to NTCP. Therefore, the preS1-NTCP interaction is a potential target for anti-HBV drugs. In this study, we aimed to determine the structure of preS1-NTCP complex at an atomic resolution, which is useful for structure-guided drug design of novel HBV entry inhibitors.
We previously succeeded the NTCP expression using a cell-free protein synthesis system. NTCP was solubilized by n-dodecyl beta-D-maltoside (DDM) and purified as a single band on a CBB-stained SDS-PAGE gel. However, the purified NTCP exhibited no preS1-binding activity in a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay. To obtain active NTCP, we performed cell-free protein synthesis using a dialysis system including lipid and detergent within the reaction buffer, leading to the production of NTCP embedded in lipid bilayers. NTCP-containing liposomes were prepared by sonication, and the preS1-binding activity was confirmed by co-sedimentation assay.
Further analyses of the interaction between NTCP-containing liposomes and preS1 are underway by SPR and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) to determine the binding affinity and stoichiometry, and NMR to identify the NTCP binding residues on preS1.