HOXB9がいくつかの腫瘍の悪性度と相関すると近年報告されている。今回の研究では胃癌切除検体69例のHOXB9発現を免疫染色法にて評価し, 予後および免疫組織学的因子との関係を検討した。結果, HOXB9陽性群では腫瘍深達度, リンパ節転移, リンパ管浸潤, 静脈浸潤が優位に多く, 全生存率が悪い傾向があった。さらに, 胃癌細胞株TMK-1においてHOXB9発現亢進によるリンパ管新生マーカーの発現の変化を調べた。結果, HOXB9高発現細胞株ではマーカーの一つであるVEGF-D発現が亢進していた。HOXB9発現は胃癌において, リンパ管新生さらにはリンパ節転移を導き, 予後を増悪させる可能性が示唆された。
The relationship between HOXB9 expression and tumor malignancy was recognized recently. In this study, HOXB9 positivity was evaluated immunohistologically in resected tumor tissue from 69 gastric cancer patients, and the association between prognosis and clinicopathologic factors was determined. The HOXB9 gene was also overexpressed in human gastric cancer TMK-1 cells and the effect on the expression of VEGF-C, VEGF-D, and VEGFR-3 determined. We found that the depth of tumor invasion, the number of node metastases, lymphatic invasion, and vascular invasion were significantly associated with HOXB9 positivity. Overall survival was decreased in HOXB9-positive patients. The expression of VEGF-D mRNA was increased in HOXB9 overexpressing TMK-1 relative to control cells. In conclusion, HOXB9 positivity correlated with gastric cancer progression and lymphangiogenesis marker expression. HOXB9 was likely to associate with lymphogenic metastasis.