本研究の目的は, 権威主義国家中国の民主的制度が政治体制の安定に, どの様に貢献してきたのかを明らかにすることである。
中国が市場経済化を選択して以来, 中国社会は多様化と多元化の道を歩んでいる。この結果, 政策決定に関与することを望むアクターもまた多様化し, 多元化してきた。本研究は, 彼らがより効果的に自らの要求を政策決定者に入力するために民主的制度を活用している実態を明らかにした。彼らは自らの要求を人民代表大会に議案として提出することによって, 個別の利益を「民意」に置き換え, その主張の正当性を得ようとしている。この過程で民主的制度は, 政策決定過程の民主化と透明化を促し, 体制の持続に貢献している。
The aim of this research was to make clear how democratic institutions (DIs) in China have contributed to the stability of the regime there.
Since the time the CCP decided to go the path of market-oriented economic reform, there has been diversification and greater plurality among the political actors who want to participate in political decision-making. According to this research, they make use of China's DIs in order to more effectively make known their demands to the political decision makers. By making their demands known to the People's Congress in the form of propositions, these actors who want involvement in decision-making transform their demands from matters of individual gain into the "will of the people," and thus gain legitimacy for their claims. Functions of the DIs that take such form contribute, to a certain level, to promoting the democratization of the decision-making process, making it more transparent, and sustaining it.