頭蓋顔面形態は多様性に富む興味深い形質であり, その形成には環境と遺伝要因の両方が関わるとされている。我々は頭蓋顔面形態の多様性形成に関わる遺伝子の同定を目指し, メダカを用いた統計遺伝学的解析を実施した。その結果, 形質とゲノム領域との関連を複数見出し, 形質L33の関連ゲノム領域を6番染色体の約5Mbpに絞り込むことに成功した。また, 形質D29に対する二つの関連ゲノム領域の検証を進めたが, いずれも陰性であった。もう一つの形質V13では, 形質自体が環境の影響を受けやすく不安定であることが判明し, 解析不能との判断を下した。今後まもなくL33の絞り込みが完了し, 遺伝子の同定へと進める予定である。
Craniofacial morphology is a complex but interesting trait with high variety within a species while maintaining the particular morphology of the species. Logical questions have been posed in order to address variations in cranial morphology, such as how these traits are inherited, which genes regulate the diversity, and how differences between individuals within a species are generated during developmental or life processes. To answer these questions, we had performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses using medaka. QTL analysis suggested the relationships between L33 and chromosome (chr) 6, D29 and chr 15, D29 and chr 22, and V13 and chr 5. Narrowing analysis using congenic strains revealed that about 5 Mbp region of chr 6 affects to L33. On the other hand, D29 were failed to be confirmed the relationships with both chr 15 and 22. V13 was turned out to be too unstable to analyze further.