本研究では, 組織における安全管理活動の成熟化をねらいとして, 従事者の安全管理活動に対するモチベーションを持続させる方法を提案・検証した。特に本研究では, 人のモチベーション(内発的動機づけ)を誘発する一要因は, その個人が持つ内的特性との「適度なずれ」であるという心理学理論を工学応用し, 従事者がそれぞれに有し, また経時的に変化する内的特性をデータとして, それと「適度なずれ」を持つ情報を提供することで, 安全管理活動への内発的動機づけを持続させる方法を, 実データ収集に基づく数理科学的アプローチを通して提案した。また, 提案方法の有効性を実験によって検証した。
In psychology, there is a theory that intrinsic motivation is increased through internal specifics and suitable gap in each aspect of emotion, cognition, and ability for the object. In this paper, to construct a method to maintain motivation for safety management activities, we report 1) distance quantification with each worker's internal, specific, and safety management activities and 2) the identification of suitable gap between them. We investigated workers, and positioned a plot in the three-dimensional space of each safety management activities constructed for every worker in a scale of 0-1 on every axis of emotion, cognition, and ability. The results shows that the plots with highest motivation was concentrated in a scale of 0.2-0.4 on the axes of cognition and ability. We hypothesized that we could maintain the intrinsic motivation by repeatedly providing information on the motivated activities, and we verified the same through experiments.