小児集中治療室(PICU)で働く看護師35名と, 子どもがPICUに入院中の両親27名のインタビューデータの分析から, 以下の結果が見出された。両親の主なストレス源として, 面会時間の制限, 医療者の説明の不十分さ, 医療者への不信, 子どものケアへの不信感, 病棟の雰囲気の悪さ, 自分にできる事がないという無力感があった。一方, 看護師側のストレス源としては, 一人前に働けないこと, 病棟の雰囲気の悪さ,チームとしての働き方の問題, やりがいの得られなさ, 医師との関係, 両親との関わりがあった。
An analysis was conducted on interview data from 35 nurses who worked in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) and 27 parents who had a child in a PICU. The main causes of stress in parents were feelings that their visitation time was limited, that there was a lack of sufficient explanations from the health care professionals, that they could not trust the health care professionals, that the care was inadequate, that there was a bad mood in the PICU, and that there was nothing they could do. On the other hand, the main causes of stress in nurses were feelings that they could not handle the complicated technology of the PICU, that there was a bad mood in the PICU, that the PICU working style was not very collaborative, that they were doing a job not worth doing, that their relationships with physicians were difficult, and that their relationships with parents were difficult.