近年, プラネタリウムのデジタル化等により, 没入感の高いドーム映像が注目されるようになってきた。本研究では, 実写映像をベースとしたドームコンテンツの制作手法を構築することを目的とした。多眼カメラで撮影した映像からパノラマ映像を生成し, ドーム環境に合わせた映像領域を切り出して投影することで, 投影システムに依存しないコンテンツを制作することができる。実際に幾つかのコンテンツを作成し, 評価実験を行った結果, 立体感, 臨場感等について, 高い評価を得ることができた。
Recently, dome display such as digital planetarium has become very popular as immersive display environment. In such dome environments, the user can feel immersive sensation based on the wide field-of-view image. This study aims at constructing the dome contents creation method based on the video images. In this method, multiple cameras are used to capture the 360 degrees video image, and then the panorama video is generated by stitching these images synchronously. After editing the panorama video, the image areas corresponding to each projector are cut out and they are projected onto the dome screen according to the projection system. By using this method, dome contents can be created without depending on the projection system of the dome environment. In this study, several dome contents such as sports and sightseeing were created using this method, and the effectiveness in representing three-dimensional sensation or immersive sensation was experimentally evaluated.