慶應義塾大学病院予防医療センターでスーパー癌ドック(全身FDG-PET検査)を受診した症例のうち, 文書にて同意が得られた35例に対して脳FDG-PETを追加撮像し, MRI検査, 認知機能検査, 心理検査等を実施した。35例中4例においてFDG-PET上でpreclinical ADを疑う所見(陽性所見)が認められた。陽性であった4例いずれの対象者も, MRI検査や神経心理学的検査上で検査所見の特記すべき異常はなく, 認知機能低下を示唆する訴えもなかった。陽性4例中の1例については, 告知後の気分・不安評価尺度において心理状態の悪化が認められた。
Of those who accepted cancer screening (early detection of cancer by FDG-PET) at Keio university hospital preventive medicine center, 35 individuals were taken an additional image of brain FDG-PET, and underwent brain MRI, cognitive testing, and psychological tests. In 35 participants, four subjects had positive findings on brain FDG-PET, which suggested preclinical Alzheimer's disease. However, there were no abnormal findings on brain MRI and no declines in performance on neuropsychological tests in them. Also, they didn't complain subjective cognitive impairments. After telling the results of FDG-PET to participants, the mood and anxiety scores changed for the worse on one FDG-PET positive subject.