各人の経済状態と, ライフコースイベントの結果としての婚姻状況・家族形態との関連を2つの側面から検討した。第1の側面では, 貧困リスクに対する婚姻状況・家族類型の影響に焦点をあてた。その結果, これらの影響は就労職業の影響よりも小さかったが, 無視できないものだった。とくに女性の貧困リスクは, 家族内の相互扶助関係に左右されていた。第2の側面では, 無配偶者に較べて, 有配偶者の就業所得が高くなる結婚プレミアムと, 低くなる結婚ペナルティに焦点をあてた。その結果, 男性にプレミアム, 女性にペナルティが確認され, これらの現象に階層的地位そしてその稼得力を考慮した配偶者選択が関わっていることを示した。
This study examines two aspects of association between one's state of means and marital status/family type which are the results of life-course event. The first aspect focuses the influence of marital status and family type on poverty risk. The results show that the effects of these factors on the risk are not as strong as those of employment, but are not negligible. The gaps of risk by family type between stages of aging suggest both rise and reduction in risk are dependent on mutual help within a family. The risk of women are more sensitive to the mutual help. The second focuses marriage premium and penalty. After controlling the effects of other variables, both the premium in which wages of married men are higher and the penalty in which wages of married women are lower, comparing with non-married are confirmed. The findings suggest that selection of spouse considering on status and its economic capability is concerned as a factor which brings about marriage premium and penalty.