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タイトル |
タイトル |
20世紀前半ソ連邦農村社会における国家保険 : 火災・家畜・作物 : 1917-1953
カナ |
20セイキ ゼンハン ソレンポウ ノウソン シャカイ ニ オケル コッカ ホケン : カサイ・カチク・サクモツ : 1917-1953
ローマ字 |
20seiki zenhan Sorenpō nōson shakai ni okeru kokka hoken : kasai kachiku sakumotsu : 1917-1953
別タイトル |
名前 |
National insurance in peasant society of the Soviet Union in the first half of the 20th century : fire, livestock, crop: 1917-1953
カナ |
ローマ字 |
著者 |
名前 |
崔, 在東
カナ |
チェ, ゼドン
ローマ字 |
Choi, Jaedong
所属 |
慶應義塾大学・経済学部 (三田) ・教授
所属(翻訳) |
役割 |
Research team head
外部リンク |
科研費研究者番号 : 10292856
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日付 |
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博士論文情報 |
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抄録 |
After the Russian Socialist Revolution in 1917, the Bolshevik government introduced the national compulsory fire, livestock and crop insurance to protect peasant economy. At the same time, the number of fires, the number of livestock deaths and the disaster area of crops increased rapidly. The background was the active insurance policy of the Bolshevik government, and most disasters were due to economic reasons. The number of disasters have remained in high level not only during the NEP period but also during the collectivization period, until just before World War II, and during the postwar reconstruction period. Peasants have found in the national insurances a remedy to get out of financial hardship. On the other hand, the national insurances did not fall into the red and had maintained a large surplus at all times, and were an important source of the Bolshevik government's finances.
目次 |
キーワード |
注記 |
研究種目 : 基盤研究 (C) (一般)
研究期間 : 2017~2019
課題番号 : 17K03854
研究分野 : ロシア・ソ連経済史
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