ラット出血性ショックモデル(平均動脈圧30mmHg, 60分間, 蘇生輸液:脱血量の4倍生理食塩水)に, コントロールガス(21%O2)と水素ガス(1.3%H2+21%O2)(脱血開始から輸液蘇生開始2時間後まで吸入)を用いた。①6時間後の生存率は水素群が有意に高かった。②脱血量は水素群が有意に多かった。③コントロール群では蘇生終了後から血圧が低下し, 著明な乳酸アシドーシスを認めたが, 水素群で血圧が高く維持され, アシドーシスも抑制されていた。
以上の結果より, 水素ガス吸入は, 生存率を改善することが明らかとなった。
We investigated whether hydrogen (H2) gas inhalation would influence the tolerance to hemorrhagic shock (HS) and improve survival.
The survival rate at 6 hours after HS and resuscitation (MAP : 30 mmHg, 60 min, normal saline equal to four times the volume of shed blood) was 80% in the H2 gas (1.3%H2, 26%O2) group and 30% in the control gas (26%O2) group (the gas inhalation from the start of HS to 2 hours after resuscitation)(p<0.05). The shed blood volume to induce HS was significantly larger in the H2 group. Despite losing more blood, the increase in serum potassium after HS was suppressed in the H2 group. Fluid resuscitation completely restored blood pressure (BP) in the H2 group, whereas it failed to fully restore BP in the control group. At 2 hours after resuscitation, metabolic acidosis was well compensated in the H2 group, while the control group has uncompensated metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia.
We demonstrated H2 gas inhalation delays the progression to irreversible shock.