本研究は, 小規模保育園及び中規模保育園の保育環境を定量的に評価し, 保育の質に関わる諸要因(保育環境, 担当保育士の保育士資格取得に至る学歴及び保育士歴, 園規模, 子ども対保育士比)と子どもの発育状況との関連を検討した。保育の質研究において国際的に広く利用される保育環境評価スケールを用い, 小規模保育園及び中規模保育園の1歳児クラスにおける保育環境を評価し比較した。その結果, 全般的には小規模保育園の方が中規模保育園よりも保育環境の質が良好であることが示された。また, 保育環境の良さと担当保育士の保育士歴の長さは, 1歳児学年末における子どもの発育状況に有意な正の関連をすることが示された。
This study empirically evaluated the childcare environments both at the small- and medium-scale childcares, and analyzed the relationship between the quality of childcare environments and children's development. We compared the childcare environment in the class of the one year old child at the small- and medium-scale childcares using the widely used indicators assesing the qualiy of childcare environments, what is called ITERS-R (Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-R). As a result, the empirical analysis showed that the quality of the childcare environments was higher in the small-scale childcare in general than the medium-scale childcare. In addition, it was also shown that the quality of childcare environments and the length of teacher's tenure have a significant positive relationship with children's development and health at the end ofthe first year that children attended to childcare.