本研究では, 線維芽細胞を用いて, 2次元培養および非接着培養による細胞凝集塊を行い, 2者の接着・非接着以外の条件を限りなく合わせた上で, 2者のDNAメチル化の比較を, 網羅的に検討した。その結果, 2次元接着培養で3次元培養に比較して増強しているmRNAプロモーター領域が, 数多く確認できた。細胞凝集塊形成による未分化能獲得はエピジェネティックな変化によるものである可能性が考えられた。
By using fibroblasts, we cultured in adhesive condition using ordinary 2D culture and non-adhesive 3D condition using non-adhesive culture dishes. After the conditions except for adhesion and non-adhesion were adjusted together, we comprehensively observed the differences in DNA methylation of the two condition. As a results, we found various DNA methylated sites in two dimensional culture. From these results, it was supposed that the change into undifferentiated state by culturing on non-adhesive dish comes from epigenetic changes.