円偏波マイクロ波の効果を調べた。無照射, 右旋・左旋照射で反応し, ケトン還元の不斉収率を調べた。光学活性な触媒反応に12.4 GHz円偏波マイクロ波を照射すると, 右旋条件の不斉収率は無照射より向上し, 左旋条件では低下した。一方, ラセミ触媒反応の 2.45GHz/50W円偏波マイクロ波照射では, 右旋・左旋いずれも向上, マイクロ波効果を考慮すべきである。アトロプ異性化に対する円偏波マイクロ波の効果を調べた。2.45GHz/20W円偏波照射後にラセミ化を抑制, 還元後に不斉収率を調べた。統計処理の結果ラセミ体の95%信頼区間にあるが, 左旋右旋で逆方向に不斉収率が観測される条件を見出した。
The effect of circularly polarized microwave irradiation was examined. Substrate was charged, without irradiation, or under right-handed / left-handed CPM irradiation, and the ee of the reduced product was analyzed. When the asymmetric catalysis was irradiated with 12.4 GHz CPM, the ee under the right-handed conditions was improved more than the non-irradiated conditions, but decreased in the left-handed conditions. In the 2.45 GHz / 50 W CPM irradiation to the racemic catalytic reaction, both the right-handed and the left-handed conditions improved, and the microwave effect should be considered. The CPM effect on atropo-isomerization reaction was examined. After 2.45 GHz / 20 W CPM irradiation, the ee was analyzed after reduction to prevent from racemization. As a result of the statistical processing, we found reaction conditions that the enantiomeric excess was observed in the opposite directions on the left-handed and the right-handed, though in the racemic 95% confidence interval.