ライフコースの中で発生する格差について, 親世代の経済水準, 世代間の職業継承と移動, 学歴同類婚から検討した。親の経済水準は, 子どもの学歴に対しては親の学歴と職業とほぼ同等に影響するが, 職業や経済水準には弱い影響しかもたなかった。また, 職業の世代間固定化が上層ホワイトカラーでみられるという既存研究の指摘が否定された一方で, 中学卒や高校卒の低学歴者は, 離学時やその後の職歴で非正規雇用や無職になる確率が1990年代後半以降に高まっていた。さらに, 学歴による同類婚の傾向は, 強いものではなく安定的だった。格差を拡大させてきたのは, 低学歴層における離学時職業からの世代内移動の周辺化だった。
This study examined the mechanism which generates inequality through lifecourse from the standpoints of parent's economic differential, occupational mobility, and educational homogamy. Parent's economic standard of living influences almost equally with parental education and occupation against child's education, but it has only weak influences upon child's occupation and economic standard. Concerning mobility, it is clearly rejected the hypothesis that argues the increase of intergenerational inheritance within upper white-collar. On the other hand, the marginalization of lower educated people that the probability of becoming non-regular employment or no job has increased after the latter half of the 1990's is confirmed. However, the tendency of educational homogamy is not so strong but stable. To sum up, main change of mechanism that has made the gap expanded is the marginalization of intra-generational mobility of the lower-educated.