The phenomena of taboo is an inevitable product of the culture which has an integrated poit of view. The objects and actions regarded as taboo are deeply related to the orthodox and normal behavior of the society, although they are always believed to exist exterior to the daily life in the society and of people's consious perspectives. Emotionally people behave as if taboo objects did not exist and avoid them carefully, never, confronting them objectively. However, once a taboo is broken, new spheres of realite in the universe appear in front of them. People can not help but be overwhelmed and their firm belief and the established horizon of the world at once collapse. If one accepts this new dimension which was formerly refused, its acceptance induces the reformation of the world. In the transition of an era, taboos are easily and intendedly broken. They are discussed in public or made use of as ritual propaganda by revolutionaries. The breaking of taboos and the resultant mental instability and emotional confusion are frequent tactics used for or against maintaining the rigid order, of the regime. It is very meaningful to analyze the interrelation of taboo and social structure and its influence on people's consciousness, for it enables us to approach a total understanding of the world in which we live, In primitives societies, something abnormal and contradictory to the secular order is regarded as sacred and as belonging to another world. The structural contradiction of the society is never questionned and is placed in a spiritual realm guaranteed by people's avoidance. Taboo phenomena, accompanied by this emotional avoidance, functions to stablize the present social order. The phenomena of taboo is the dogmatic procedure to provent the exposure of the dificiency of a world view by giving it religious value. Taboos were considered very religious matters and even today are discussed on a moralistic level. This means that they do not allow people to question their validity, but force them to believe in a fiction that gives rigidity to their society.