The guide-book, published in 1868, has seven articles: (1) The organization arid aims of Keio-gijuku, (2) Rules of school life, (3) Rules of the dining-hall, (4) Entrance procedure, (5) The schedule, or a course of study, (6) The map of the campus, (7) The account of the 'Chugen' festival. The first article of them had already been examined last summer in the 'Shigaku', Vol. XL., No. 1. In the present thesis I will make an inquiry into the articles from 2 to 5. In these articles we find one of the early and typical examples of equal rights and duties of the members of Keio-gijuku, independent school economy without governmental aids, the selfgovernment of school life, entrance and tuition fee, school expences, European style curriculum, methods of teaching and learning, text-books and teaching staff in the private school of early Meiji Japan. On those days of one hundred years ago the great traditions of Keio-gijuku were created.