櫻川は、銀行信用の拡大が住宅価格の高騰から低下を引き起こすプロセスを、国別パネルデータを利用した時系列分析によって検証を試みた。信用ショックを識別できるかどうかが課題 であり、最近ミクロ計量分析で盛んに研究されているShift-Share IV の考え方を利用してlocal projection を使った分析を試みた。信用供給サイドのショックを起点とする信用の拡大が、住宅価格の行き過ぎた高騰をもたらし、その反動として下落が生じることが明らかにされた。バブル期に観察される信用膨張と資産価格の関係について、信用膨張から資産価格への因果関係を確認することができた。
白塚は、イールドカーブコントロール(YCC)政策の下で、国債市場の価格形成機能が大きく低下し、市場の歪みが生じているかどうかを検証した。具体的には、JGBとOIS(overnight index swap)の2種類の金利データを使ったイールドカーブ分析を通じ、国債市場の歪みの評価とその政策含意を行う作業を進めた。JGBのイールドカーブは、2022年春頃からの歪みが拡大し、10年超の満期部分がスティープ化しており、その結果、JGB金利はOIS金利に比べ、イールドカーブの長期均衡水準を過大評価し、イールドカーブから推計される金融緩和効果を過大評価することにつながっていることが確認された。
Sakuragawa demonstrated the process by which the expansion of bank credit causes a decline from soaring house prices by time series analysis using country panel data. The challenge is whether credit shocks can be identified, and we are trying to analyze using local projection using the concept of Shift-Share IV, which has recently been actively studied in microeconometric analysis. We found that the expansion of credit triggered by the credit supply shock led to an excessive rise in housing prices, and a decline occurred in response. We were able to confirm the causal relationship from credit expansion to asset prices during bubble periods.
Ichiue conducted research on climate-related financial risks. By estimating the extent to which support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has impacted stock prices, we have analyzed how the stock market evaluates these disclosure efforts. Constructing data on corporate information disclosure was more difficult than expected, but we were able to complete it with the help of research assistants. We also have prepared other data, collected information on rapidly expanding related research, and started quantitative analysis using data.
Shiratsuka examined whether the price-forming function of the JGB market declined significantly under the yield curve control (YCC) policy, causing market distortions. Specifically, through yield curve analysis using two types of interest rate data, JGB and overnight index swap (OIS), we assessed distortions in the JGB market and their policy implications. The JGB yield curve has become more distorted since around spring 2022, and the maturity of more than 10 years has steepened, resulting in the JGB interest rate overestimating the long-term equilibrium level of the yield curve compared to the OIS rate. This means an overestimation of the monetary easing effects estimated from the yield curve.
In March, a debriefing session was held to discuss the progress of each person's research, and opinions were exchanged. Overall, we were able to proceed with the research in accordance with the original plan.