データサイエンス教育プログラムの開発のためには、中国で開発された小中高を通じたAI教科書が参考になるとの認識から、2020, 2021年度に続き小中版教科書『AI上智慧生活』の翻訳を依頼し、内容の検討を行った。この教科書には、スマートスピーカーやスマートゴミ箱など身近な電化製品にAIが組み込まれる構造と、その制御プログラムの簡易版を小中学生でもわかりやすく体験できるように書かれている。
本研究の成果については、下記のワークショップでの発表のほか、日本統計協会が発行する月刊『統計』2023年3月号に「高校における統計・データサイエンス教育の最前線(9) ―小・中・高 一貫教育における統計教育の試み―」と題する寄稿の中でも紹介している。
For the development of the data science educational program, we investigated the translation of an AI textbook in China for primary and secondary students. Through this book, even elementary and junior high school students can easily experience the structure of AI embedded in familiar electrical appliances such as smart speakers, smart trash cans, and the simple version of the control program.
This time, we visited two high schools that offer advanced data science education. Especially, at the SSH results presentation at Himeji-Nishi High School, all the students seemed to have presented their research based on their understanding of higher-level statistical theories. We were able to obtain many indications for developing educational programs.
In parallel with the research, we have practiced various attempts in our statistics education. In the elective classes for the sixth graders at SFC high school, students studied data science practically through the application for two contests, in which they won awards. Komori and Baba reported the result of these studies at the 20th Methodology Workshop for Statistics and Data Science Education. In addition, we contributed the results to the March 2023 issue of the monthly magazine "Statistics."