小児看護学における臨地実習は、少子化に加え、小児医療の集約化や在宅への移行も進んだことにより、実習施設の確保が難しい。在院日数が短くなり、受持ち患児が少なくなったなど、様々な困難さがある。この小児臨地実習の困難さについては、患児の在院日数が短い米国では、古くから課題であり、学生の学びを補充するシミュレーションやゲームなどが教育ツールとして活用されていた。2020 年、新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行により、隣地実習を行うことが叶わなかったため、米国で看護教育に用いられていたゲームの日本版を暫定的に作成し、試用した。この研究の目的は、小児看護ゲームの開発とその有用性を可視化することである。
With declining birthrate, it is difficult to secure practical training facilities in pediatric nursing due to the intensification of pediatric medical care and the shift to home-based care. In addition, there are various difficulties, such as shorter the length of hospital stays and fewer children. The similar difficulty has long been an issue in the United States and simulations and games have been used as educational tools to supplement students' learning. In 2020, due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection, it was not possible to conduct practical training in neighboring areas, so we tentatively created and tried Japan versions of games used for nursing education in the United States. The purpose of this study was to develop the pediatric nursing games and to evaluate their usefulness.
In 2022, we continued to conduct a conceptual analysis of the purpose of pediatric nursing from textbooks, reference books, and other literature related to pediatric nursing, referring to previous research related to educational tools (simulations and games). The purpose and goals of the pediatric nursing game were clarified. Next year, we plan to make the complete version of the game and evaluate the educational outcomes.