In this study, we first took up the arguments of Feinberg and Mallat in their book "The Evolutionary Origins of Consciousness," which is the leading work on the evolution of consciousness in recent years, and explored how to rationally interpret their arguments on the evolution of consciousness by considering their methodology and philosophical backgrounds. We concluded that if the concepts of homology and hierarchical disconnect are properly used, Feinberg and Mallat's claims about the evolution of consciousness can be understood from an evolutionary perspective without difficulty. We also pointed out that what is directly linked to consciousness is not its contribution to survival but agency. We examined the concept of agency from a biological perspective and argued that in order to link consciousness and agency, it is necessary to focus on the reasons and purposes of actions that mediate the two. Since objections were expected to be raised against attributing reasons and purposes to non-human organisms, we introduced arguments defending intrinsic and natural teleology while criticizing anthropocentric claims in science and philosophy. Although teleology has been negatively evaluated in science and philosophy since the modern era, we argued that such evaluation applies only to extrinsic and transcendental teleology, and that intrinsic and natural teleology can play an indispensable role in the scientific explanation of consciousness.
In the above study, we basically focused on the minds of vertebrates. However, we also discussed the minds of cephalopods, arthropods, plants, and unicellular organisms as necessary, and argued that a certain type of consciousness or mind can be recognized for these organisms as well, since there are matters of degree regarding agency. We have deepened our consideration of the cellular mind by trying to link the "Cell Behavior Database" and the "Cell Mind Database" with other databases.
In addition to the above research results listed as "Publications on this Research Project," we plan to publish our research results in a book to be published by Keio University Press in 2023.