本研究プロジェクトは、米国のエモリー大学で開発され、2019 年からグローバルに展開されている 「Social Emotional and Ethical Learning (略してSEE Learning)」という教育プログラムを、日本文化の教育文脈に合わせて研究・開発することを目的とした。なかでも特に「身体知」に着目し、SEE Learning カリキュラムを日本で導入していく際に、演劇的アプローチを含めることが有効であるという仮説を質的に検証するために取り組んだ。
実施した成果としては、2022年10月に「SEE Learning Playbook」を翻訳して出版したと同時に、SEE Learningに関する情報や研究成果を発信するためのウェブサイトを立ち上げた。
また、SEE Learning カリキュラムを日本で導入していく際に、演劇的アプローチを含めることが有効であるという仮説を検証するために、対話型・探索型授業の革新的なアプローチで知られる、かえつ有明中学の先生方と連携し、SEE Learningと身体知教育に基づく模擬授業を実施した。今後さらに先生方と連携して、SEE Learning を取り入れた授業の成功例・事例を作る予定である。
引き続き、SEE Learning japanの共同研究チームの運営、発信やワークショップの定期開催を行い、SEE Learning カリキュラムを日本で導入していく際の身体知教育の要素を取り込む有効性を明らかにしていきたい。
This research project focuses on the role of somatic, embodied learning within the "Social Emotional and Ethical Learning (SEE Learning)" program, especially in the context of Japan. SEE Learning is a holistic education developed at Emory University, that seeks to foster core non-cognitive competencies and emotional intelligence. However, there has been little research on its implementation in the Japanese context. The research explored how somatic approaches, namely, "Theatrework" (a drama and movement based learning method) may complement the SEE Learning framework, with its non-linguistic, intersubjective, intuitive pedagogy.
Some key outcomes of the project are as follows.
1. The principal investigator (PI) translated and published the "SEE Learning Playbook" in Japanese in October 2022. At the same time, the PI set up a website for disseminating information and research findings on SEE Learning.
2. The PI put together a special issue for the journal "Samgha Japan", in which she wrote an ethnographic essay on Theatrework as a method for developing awareness and compassion towards oneself and others.
3. The PI has been in discussion with Kaetsu Ariake High School to observe and co-develop SEE Learning programs as part of its moral education and science education classes. An intensive summer retreat program with the teachers is being planned for August 2023.
4. The PI wrote and presented a paper at the Kyoto University Think Tank - Mindfulness in Higher Education; East-West Perspectives organized by Prof. Marc-Henri Deroche. Based on the panel discussion of this conference, the PI will be co-authoring a paper, exploring mindfulness in education (including SEE Learning as one form) from anthropological perspectives.
5. The PI organized a public workshop and gave a research presentation at the International Society for Contemplative Research conference in February 2023, San Diego. The theatre-based workshop was facilitated by artist Toshimitsu Kokido, and the presentation was co-authored by Yuki Imoto (the PI) and Masaki Matsubara. The workshop and presentation both created lively intellectual discussion around the role of somatic learning in developing awareness sand compassion, and on cross-cultural differences from philosophical-pedagogical perspectives as well as from experience.
The PI intends to continue this project, by expanding on fieldwork data, dissemination of SEE Learning through translation and workshops, and through publishing both empirical and theoretical papers on SEE Learning and complementary somatic approaches such as Theatrework.