Atolls of the Pacific Ocean are mainly scattered within both zones of the northern and southern trade wind. In these areas, freshwater lenses, consistently recharged by rainfall, sustain all terrestrial life. Pit agriculture of aroid tubers is a traditional invention of the South Pacific to harness this freshwater resource, and its success or failure dictates human habitation in and the perpetuation of atoll societies. These societies have drawn attention in the context of global warming, rising sea levels, and more recently, the vulnerability of freshwater lenses to enhanced climatic variability and extreme weather events. Thus far, multi-disciplinary case studies of atoll societies insufficiently elucidated the actual aspects of damage and recovery from specific natural disasters. Hence, this study aims to provide a detailed description of these aspects in a multi-disciplinary approach which compiles data from various sources, focusing on the 2005 tropical cyclone that hit the Northern Cook Islands' Pukapuka Atoll. We document the physical and social vulnerability of pit-agriculture on Pukapuka by using our field data and a diachronic analysis of satellite images.
There are two types of taro fields; pits and taro swamps. The former is the type dug into the water table of freshwater lens and so surrounded with higher banks, and anather is that modified from natural swamps. The taro swamps were inundated with seawater crossing over the beach ridge and suffered from the salt damage. The salinity began to drop after six months, restoring the lens to its pre-cyclone condition, after one year in some places. In addition, the shortage of taro shoots should have stalled the recovery process for several years. The inland swamps consist of various fields; some managed by the village, some assigned to members of specific lineages, and others held by cognatic groups. It was, thus, probably difficult for a small group of each household to recover dispersed plots in the saline-damaged large swamps just after Cyclone Percy. This complexity of land tenure and use must be an aspect of social vulnerability against climatic disasters of atoll societies.