The research progressed largely according to the plan and resulted in the following achievements in both empirical and theoretical aspects. On the empirical side, the study continued to develop a financial database of Japanese companies and conducted a time series analysis by aggregating their income statements and balance sheets. This analysis revealed that the steady increase in gross profit was brought about by a decrease in the cost of sales, and the significant increase in non-operating income contributed to the overall increase in profits, which was influenced by an increase in dividend income. It was also found that while the effective corporate tax rate was decreasing, the increased profits were contributing to an increase in tax revenue. During this period, retained earnings, or surplus profits, increased, while the proportion of self-capital also grew. However, there was an observed increase in long-term borrowings. On the asset side, it was confirmed that companies had an increased proportion of cash and deposits as well as equity holdings in related companies.
On the theoretical side, using a standard investment model, analytical work was carried out to demonstrate the relationship between micro-level volatility and macro-level productivity. Micro-level volatility not only increased the capital stock of individual companies but also led to an increase in the dispersion of companies' distribution, which was organized through various channels to enhance overall productivity through the redistribution of economic resources. The results were published as "Resource Allocation and Volatility," Mita Gakkai Zasshi, 115(4), 393(73)-401(81).