As the environment surrounding Japanese corporations undergoes significant changes, the role expected of corporate insurance may also be transformed. In particular, the increasing presence of institutional and foreign investors will significantly change the traditional shareholder structure of Japanese corporations, and a series of corporate governance reforms will clarify accountability to stakeholders. There is a strong possibility that the demand for corporate risk management, including insurance purchasing, to be established and operated as a company-wide decision-making process will increase in the future. According to the survey of risk managers conducted in this study revealed that the current risk management and insurance purchasing systems are not positioned within the framework of company-wide and financial decision-making, even in large corporations that are representative of Japanese economy. Japanese corporations should not consider financial decision-making and insurance purchasing as separate entities in the future. Still, they should urgently develop an organization and human resources capable of understanding them in an integrated manner. On the other hand, as for the nonlife insurance industry, there is still a possibility that the corporate insurance field will attract renewed attention as the postwar mainstay market becomes increasingly saturated. If this is the case, nonlife insurers are increasingly required to make efforts to define the role of corporate insurance as a part of risk management strategy to enhance corporate value, taking into account the business characteristics of client companies. In the nonlife insurance industry, it is increasingly essential to develop organizations and personnel who can understand the significance of corporate insurance purchasing as a part of financial decision-making. In positioning insurance purchasing as a financial decision from a company-wide perspective, implications from a series of studies on corporate insurance demand will be very important. From the standpoint of academic research, efforts should be made to accumulate empirical studies related to such corporate insurance demand. For this purpose, the systematic development of risk management and insurance-related data, including premiums paid by companies, is significant as a prospect.