フリマアプリなどの二次流通市場の普及により、消費者は余剰資源を二次流通市場において売却することが容易になった。本研究では二次流通市場のなかでもフリマアプリにおける売却行動に着目し、その促進要因と阻害要因を検討した。消費者の余剰資源の処分方法には、二次流通市場における売却、贈与、廃棄、退蔵、貸与など多様な選択肢がある(Jacoby, Berning, & Dietvorst, 1977)。こうした処分行動の影響要因としては対象物の特性や価値、消費者のパーソナリティおよび対象物との関係性、消費者を取り巻く社会的・物質的環境が指摘されている(Cerio & Debenedetti, 2021)。本研究では処分行動の阻害要因としての製品への愛着に着目し、愛着が二次流通市場における売却意向に及ぼす影響について検討を行った。また、先行研究においては二次流通市場における再販可能性が消費者行動に影響を及ぼすことが明らかになっている(Chu & Liao, 2007, 2010; 山本, 2020)。本研究においては処分行動における調整変数としての再販可能性の効果に着目し、検討を行った。
愛着の操作チェックを行った後、愛着の高低を独立変数、フリマアプリへの出品意向(7件法)を従属変数、再販可能性の高低を調整変数とし、SPSS PROCESS macro (Model 1:ブートストラップ法、リサンプリング数5000)を用いて検討した。
The proliferation of online consumer-to-consumer (C2C) markets has made it easier for consumers to sell their possessions in secondary markets, and consumers' emotional attachment to their possessions can play a crucial role in their selling decisions. This study aimed to explore the effect of emotional attachment on selling behavior and examine whether the possibility of resale moderates this effect. Despite the growing body of research on emotional attachment and resale possibility, there has been limited investigation into the relationship between the two constructs and their joint effect on selling behavior. The aim of this research was to fill this gap by examining the moderating effect of the resale possibility of fashion watches on the relationship between emotional attachment and resale intention.
We tested our hypothesis through the following experiment. The participants in this study were 400 individuals aged 15 to 80 recruited from an online research panel. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a 2x2 between-subjects design, with emotional attachment (high vs. low) as the independent variable and resale possibility (high vs. low) as the moderation variable. The dependent variable was the resale intention a possession at flea market apps.
The results of the analysis showed that the effect of emotional attachment on resale intention was significant. Thus, Hypothesis 1 was supported because high emotional attachment has a negative effect on the resale intention.
Also, the effects of resale possibility on resale intention and moderating variables were also significant, and Hypothesis 2 was supported. This suggests that the relationship between emotional attachment and resale intention is dependent on the level of resale possibility.
To further isolate this interaction, simple slopes analysis was performed to explore the relationship between emotional attachment and resale intention at high and low levels of resale possibility. The results showed that at high levels of resale possibility, consumers with high emotional attachment were less likely to sell compared to those with low emotional attachment.
These results support the hypothesis that the relationship between emotional attachment and resale intention is moderated by the level of resale possibility. The findings highlight the importance of considering the possibility of resale in the selling process and provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between emotional attachment and selling behavior.
The results of this research were reported at the following conferences and accepted for publication in the proceedings. We plan to continue conducting experiments in the following years and disseminate our research results at domestic and international conferences and in academic journals.