(1)「再考・送信可能化 : 迫りつつあるWeb3時代を前に」と題する講演を著作権実務関係者向けに行った。
(1) I delivered a lecture titled "Reconsidering the Concept of Making a Work Available for Transmission: Ahead of the Coming Web3 Era" for copyright practitioners.
<Outline of the lecture>
In my lecture, I presented the findings of my examination of whether the current Copyright Act's concept of "making a work available for transmission" can adapt to the Web3 era. I conducted a comprehensive survey of 443 court cases that have addressed this concept since its introduction in Japan. As a result, it became evident that the concept has been interpreted rather loosely, deviating significantly from the text of the article, its purpose, and history. In my speech, I argued that it is necessary to reconsider the ideal form of the concept of making a work available for transmission in the Web3 era, given the anticipated increase in situations where the concept plays a crucial role.
(2) The content of the lecture in (1) was transformed into a paper and published as proceedings.
(3) I participated as a member of the Public-Private Partnership Council, established by the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters of the Japanese government, to address new legal issues surrounding content in the metaverse. I contributed to discussions in the first subcommittee (consideration of intellectual property use intersecting real and virtual space and handling rights related to the design of virtual objects) and the second subcommittee (consideration of handling avatars' likenesses, etc.).
(4) As a panelist at the 22nd Business Reform Symposium organized by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, I participated in the 7th subcommittee, titled "The Reality of the Careers of In-house Lawyers: Considerations Based on the Results of a Questionnaire Survey of Members in the 60-62nd Term." I summarized the discussion on the careers of in-house lawyers in the modern age.