This research is to explore how labor and employment legislation, that is, law and policy on working style, should be in the future, in the midst of changes in the socio-economic environment such as the declining birthrate and aging population, the borderless labor market, technological innovation (AI, etc.), and pandemic (COVID-19). It aims to contribute to future labor law policy planning by clarifying challenges related to specific themes such as the concept of "worker," the disparity between regular and non-regular workers, teleworking, and the retirement process of workers. It also aims to provide a perspective on the more fundamental issues of the pros and cons of the basic principles that permeate the entire Japanese labor and employment law system, such as emphasizing employment security and excluding the subjective intentions of the parties concerned.
In this year, which is the second year of the three-year plan, I conducted field research at domestic and overseas research institutions, also using other research funds, in order to resolve the practical questions emerged from the fundamental research conducted in the previous year. In Japan, I did field surveys and hearings at several Labor Bureaus (Nagano, Sapporo, Okinawa, Fukuoka) and business companies (Nippon Life Insurance, Corporate Pension Business Service), and exchanged opinions with researchers (Hokkaido University, Shinshu University, Kyushu University, etc.). Outside of Japan, I exchanged views with judges and researchers at the Taiwanese Law Officers' Institute (Judges' Training Institute). In light of the infection situation of Covid-19, the overseas trip was scaled back from the original schedule.
I also presented the following research reports:
・"Is 'Age-Free Society' Rosy?" (at a study group organized by the Institute for Social Infrastructure Research, Shinshu University, Komoro, August 2022.)
・"Various Issues Concerning Article 24 of the Labor Standards Law" (Hokkaido University, August 2022).
・"New Developments in Labor Law Interpretation: A Review of Basic Issues" (Hokkaido University, November 2022)
Some of the results of the above surveys and research have been published in:
・(Sole author) "Prep Labor Law [7th Edition]" (Kobundo)
・"Non-payment of Severance Pay due to Disciplinary Dismissal" Jurist No. 1582
Although the above "Prep Labor Law" is a basic textbook, it is the most important research achievement of this year, providing a comprehensive overview of the current overall picture of each of the above topics, i.e., of the issues of the current labor law system as a whole. Since this research is a three-year project, full-scale research results are to be published after the final year.