During Franco regime (1939-75), there were two currents of literature: literature by writers living in the country and literature by writers who went into exile after the Spanish Civil War. The purpose of this study is to compare these two currents of Spanish writers and their works (mainly novels) and to examine their narrative styles used to represent the crisis of the societies to which they belonged; Spain and exiled land. In Spain, due to the censorship during the Franco regime, the social reality was not widely known to the public. Some writers were concerned about this situation, so that they used their novels to depict the social reality in order to raise social issues and arouse public awareness toward them. On the other hand, writers in exile kept a close eye on social movements in Spain, and found that some of Spain's social problems were universal. Thus, the exiled writers described these universal problems in their novels toward their readers in Spanish-speaking countries. The narrative styles of writers in Spain and writers in exile, have points in common, since they were influenced by Western literary trends. As a result of one-year research, I analyzed novels such as La familia de Pascual Duarte (1942), Nada (1944), Los bravos (1954), El Jarama (1956), El tiempo de silencio (1962) and Volverás a Región (1962) and confirmed that novels under the Franco regime had a significant social role. A part of this research will be published as one chapter of the book Spain under the 20th century Crisis (forthcoming). The other part of the research, regarding the analysis of novels of exiled writers and its comparison to novels in Spain, will be continued.