実験に当たってはこれまでの研究で得られていたハチクマゲノムドラフト配列に対し、ニワトリASIPゲノム領域を検索配列としてLocal blastを行い、ASIPゲノム領域に相当するcontigを選定した。その結果、少々のギャップを含むものの、8つのExonを含む約50kbに及ぶASIPゲノム領域の配列を入手することに成功した。これらの配列情報に基づいてExonの前後にプライマーを設計して、PCR法による遺伝子多型の解析を行った。
In this study, we focus on the plumage color diversity of Oriental Honey Buzzards (OHBs) and aim to provide an example of a plumage coloration scheme in birds based on genomic analysis of OHBs. In addition, we believe that this analysis will provide insight into the speciation of OHBs.
In this year's study, we focused on genomic polymorphisms of the ASIP gene, whose function has been well studied in mice, where a combination of region-specific expression, mainly on the ventral side, and hair cycle-dependent expression produces the complex wild-type hair color. As ASIP mutants are known to affect plumage also in poultry, it was expected that this genetic polymorphism would be involved in plumage, especially the difference between pale and intermediate types and the intra-feather patterning (presence or absence of white barring pattern) in OHBs.
Practically, we performed a local blast using the chicken ASIP genome region as a query sequence against the OHB draft genome sequence used in previous studies, and selected contigs that correspond to the ASIP genome region. As a result, we succeeded in obtaining a sequence of the ASIP genome region of about 50 kb, including 8 exons, although it contains a few gaps. Based on this sequence information, we designed primers to amplify the exons and analyzed the gene polymorphisms by PCR.
Analysis of genomic DNA from 32 individuals revealed that all haplotypes were divided into two groups, each containing minor mutations. The presence of several hundred SNPs between these haplotype groups indicates that they are genetically very far apart. Furthermore, no genetic recombination between the two haplotype groups was found. It is interesting to note that two distant haplotype groups had been also found in Mc1r, suggesting that the OHB species is the result of a very recent hybridization of two or more genetic pools.
Unfortunately, no correlation was found between these haplotypes and phenotypes. Since studies on the ASIP gene in mice and poultry have shown that large deletions and insertions can affect the phenotype, we would like to examine whether such differences can be observed among individuals of different coloration in the future.