The spread of Covid-19 is a new type of economic crisis that led to the risk of life, resulting in economic stagnation. This research project has addressed economic policy in the post-Covid-19 era from both micro and macro perspectives and has developed theoretical and empirical academic research and policy-oriented research.
The research project has two main pillars. The first is the issue of delays in policy responses at the micro-level directly related to our daily lives, such as education, domestic violence, health care, and employment. The other is the issue of fiscal and monetary policy in the post-Covid-19 era.
As for specific activities, regular study groups were held online approximately once a month, as in the previous fiscal year, and discussions were held among the members. Each member has been conducting research based on his or her own theme, and a two-day debriefing session on the results of this research was held online in March 2022.
In addition, a symposium on financial systems and monetary policy was held in July 2021 in memory of Professor Emeritus Kazuto Ikeo, who passed away in February 2021 while expressing concern about the post-corona era, with a fairly limited number of participants. The symposium was also summarized and submitted to the Mita Gakkai Zasshi and was published in Volume 114, Issue 3, October 2021.