本研究の目的は,「小学校学習指導要領が改定され,2021 年度以降には,新しい学習指導要領に沿った教育を受けた生徒が本校に入学してくる.そのような生徒たちに対してどのような ICT スキル教育を行ったら良いかを明らかにする.そして,実態に合ったカリキュラムを再開発し,より良い授業を提供することを目指す」としていた.3年目となる今年度も,国外でICTを有効活用している教育機関の視察を予定していたが,新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大により実施することができなかった.しかし、国内の視察やオンラインセミナーで,ICTを利用した授業や問題点を知ることができた.
一人一台端末を持たせて,カリキュラムを「習得」「活用」「探究」の3段階と捉え,「習得」で知識や技能を身につけ,課題解決のプロセスで「活用」していき,一人一人の興味関心に応じた「探究」学習につなげて行き, ICT機器を学習道具として,興味を持ちながら課題に取り組みつつICTスキルを有機的に身に付けさせている小学校がある一方,1人1台端末を持たせたが,授業で積極的に活用することができていない,一部の先生しか使っていない,などの課題を抱えている学校が多くあった.
The purpose of this study is to research the following statement: "Elementary school learning courses have been revised and students from 2021 who have been trained according to the new learning courses will enter our school. We aim to clarify what kind of ICT skill education should be provided to such students, restructure the curriculum to suit the actual situation, and provide better lessons."
This year, which is the third year, we planned to visit overseas educational institutions that are making effective use of ICT, but again, we could not do so due to the ongoing pandemic. However, I was able to learn about classes and problems using ICT through domestic inspections and online seminars.
Each student has their own ICT equipment, and the curriculum consists of three stages: "learning," "utilization," and "research." They acquire knowledge and skills through "learning", "utilization" in the process of problem solving, and the students conduct "research" learning tailored to individual interests, and work on problems of interest while utilizing ICT equipment as a learning tool. By doing so, some elementary schools have organically acquired ICT skills.
On the other hand, there were many schools that had problems such as the fact that even if each student had their own ICT equipment, they could not actively utilize it in class and only some teachers could use it.
From the surveys so far, it is necessary to assume the following three points 1) that there is a difference in ICT skills of new students, 2) there are benefits to considering a curriculum that does not depend on the presence or absence, and 3) providing ICT skills education. In addition, we would like to encourage the use of ITC skills in other subjects so that the difference in the levels of ICT skills of the students will be filled in about half a year to a year.
We asked students and teachers to use the terminal, which is a common specification of the GIGA school concept, for a long period of time and conducted a survey. There were many opinions that they would like to continue using a terminal equipped with a touch panel, which makes it easy to draw mathematical formulas and figures. The attached digital pen was unnecessary if the touch panel could be operated with a finger. Many commented that the computer weight: 1.43 kg and screen size: 13.3 inches are not suitable for students who carry textbooks, notebooks, equipment for club activities, etc. on a daily basis.
Based on these findings, in the future, each student at our school will have a personal computer, its use will be encouraged in other subjects, and measures will be implemented to foster familiarity while using it regardless of ICT skills.