①では、申請者はRefee結合RNAである、マウス内在性レトロウイルスL(MERVL) RNAに着目して実験を行った。MERVL RNAのFISH、およびMERVL Gagタンパク質やRefeeの免疫染色法を併用して2細胞期中期胚のMERVL RNAの挙動を追った。この結果、Refee KD胚ではコントロールKD胚と比べ、MERVL RNA、Gagタンパク質の発現量が有意に減少していた。これら発現量はRefeeの発現量と相関した。さらに、Refee KD胚ではMERVL RNAが核内に蓄積している傾向が有意に観察された。
②を検討するため、Refee KD胚の2細胞期中期・後期、4細胞期胚をそれぞれ回収し、RNA-seqを行った。Refee KD胚のコントロールKD胚のトランスクリプトームを比較すると、Refee KD胚でRNAレベルが有意に低下する遺伝子が多く見られた。そこには①で観察された通り、MERVL RNAも含まれていた。これらの遺伝子と以前iCLIP-seq解析で得たRefee結合RNA配列を比較してみると、MERVL以外の共通性は認められなかった。さらにRNAレベルが低下する遺伝子には、2細胞期後期に胚性ゲノム活性化(ZGA)に伴って発現上昇する遺伝子が有意に濃縮されており、RefeeはZGAを惹起する因子であると示された。
This project aims to understand the mechanisms of totipotency regulation in mouse early embryos by exploring the functions of Refee, one of the endogenous virus-related genes. In this year, the grantee especially studied 1) how the Refee binding RNAs are regulated, and 2) why Refee knockdown(KD) embryos show arrested features at the 2- to 4-cell embryonic stage.
In study 1), the grantee tested one of the Refee binding targets, mouse endogenous retrovirus L (MERVL) RNA, by MERVL RNA-FISH with immunostaining against MERVL Gag and Refee using middle 2 cell embryos. Refee KD embryos resulted in suppressed levels of MERVL RNA and Gag protein. These suppressions showed significant correlations with the expression level of Refee. Furthermore, the MERVL RNA was dominantly distributed in the nucleus of Refee KD embryos.
In study 2), the grantee conducted RNA-seq of Refee KD embryos in middle 2 cell-, late 2 cell-, or 4 cell-stage, respectively. Comparative analysis of the transcriptome signature between Refee- and control-KD embryos showed expressions of various genes, including MERVL, were downregulated in Refee KD embryos. Those genes were enriched to a gene set transcribed after major zygotic genome activation (ZGA) at the late 2 cell stage. Mere overlap was observed except MERVL between the downregulated genes and the Refee binding RNAs identified by the previous iCLIP-seq. Nonetheless, the data demonstrates that Refee is one of the inducers for major ZGA.
Totipotency is a cell potency to differentiate into all the tissue including the placenta. As mammalian totipotent cells (i.e. zygote~early embryo) experience an assembly of maternal and paternal genome, Refee likely grants this nascent zygotic genome functional transcription. Mechanistically, Refee may enhance the RNA levels by its activity in nuclear RNA export, although a link between this mechanism and the ZGA induction should be studied further.