マウス腸管よりTh細胞を単離し、Th細胞の1細胞レベルでの遺伝子発現解析(single cell RNA-seq)を行った。腸管内Th17細胞は、遺伝子発現により、1. Il17aとIl22を発現している細胞、2. Il17aとIfngの両方を発現している細胞、3. 静止期細胞、4. Mki67、Il17a、Ifngを発現する活性化分裂期細胞、5. Ifng、Gzma、Hspa1a、Ccl5を発現する細胞、6. Il17aとIl10、Foxp3を発現する細胞と6個のTh17細胞クラスターに大別された。このように、遺伝子発現モジュールに基づき腸管内Th17細胞の再分類を行うことに成功した。
さらに興味深いことに、Cluster 6など、抑制性Th17細胞は、葉酸受容体(FR)を高発現していることが明らかとなり、マウスに葉酸欠乏食を投与したところ、Foxp3+ RORgt-の末梢性Treg細胞が減少するとともに、RORgt+ Foxp3-のTh17細胞の増加が認められた。
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an intractable inflammatory disease of the intestinal tract with a chronic course of unknown cause. Although Th17 cells are known to be particularly abundant in the intestinal tract and have been reported to be involved, treatments targeting Th17 cells have not yet been successful, and further understanding of Th17 cells is essential for elucidating the pathogenesis of IBD.
We isolated Th cells from the mouse intestinal tract and analysed gene expression at the single cell level of Th cells (single cell RNA-seq). Th17 cells in the intestinal tract were classified by gene expression as 1. cells expressing Il17a and Il22, 2. cells expressing both Il17a and Ifng, 3. quiescent cells, 4. activated mitotic cells expressing Mki67, Il17a and Ifng, 5. Ifng, Gzma, Hspa1a, Ccl 5-expressing cells, and 6. six Th17 cell clusters broadly divided into Il17a- and Il10- and Foxp3-expressing cells. Thus, a reclassification of Th17 cells in the intestinal tract based on gene expression modules was successfully achieved.
These results suggest that heterogeneity of Th17 cells may contribute to the excessive inflammatory responses in the intestinal tract.