Among the themes related to the law of evidence in international civil litigation, I tried to study the treatment of the standard of proof.
The standard of proof plays an important role in factfinding, but each country adopts different standard of proof. Therefore, when foreign law becomes the applicable law in Japanese court, the question is whether to apply the standard of proof in Japanese law or in foreign applicable law.
This issue has not been discussed much in Japan, but in Germany has been much debate in theories and judicial precedents. Therefore, in this study, we proceeded with the study by focusing on the discussion in Germany as the subject of the comparative method. German case law supports the Lex fori theory. For example, the Federal Court of Justice's Judgment on April 27, 1977 stated that even if Turkish law was the governing law, the standard of proof would be German law. On the other hand, the Hanau District Court's Judgment on June 9, 2011 did not allow the application of Germany's proof reduction provisions (Article 287 of the Civil Procedure Law) when French law becomes the applicable law. The Literature supports the Lex fori theory in the same way as the Federal Court of Justice.
If you understand that this issue is closely related to fact-finding, the Japanese standard of proof as Lex fori should be applicable. On the other hand, the high or low standard of proof is a problem that influences the realization of the rights under the substantive law, it is determined as a substantive problem and the standard of proof under the applicable substantive law should be applicable.
It can be said that the standard of proof is a problem related to the trust of citizens for the judicial system, and it can be said that raising or lowering the standard of proof according to the pending case leads to the loss of this trust. In addition, due to the need to handle many cases promptly in civil proceedings, it is considered that there are still many difficulties in accurately determining and using the standard of proof required by the applicable law. Furthermore, the continuity between the standard of proof and the problem of evaluation of evidence should not be overlooked. Therefore, the Lex fori theory is proper.