This research aims to clarify the principle of the creation of the Argentine writer Juan José Saer (1937-2005), through the intertextuality between his masterpiece Glosa (1986) and Dante. To accomplish the purpose, I obtained several materials on the author, Argentine or Latin American literature or Humanities in general, and tried a genetic approach as well as an analysis of the novel itself. The result of the investigation was published as an academic paper titled "The Presence of Dante in Juan José Saer's Glosa", read at the 42nd Congress of Japan Association for Latin American Studies (JALAS). Its outline is as follows:
Glosa has intertextualities with various writers from Ancient Times to Modern times, but the one with Dante has not been analyzed in detail. Nevertheless, the three poems written by Saer and compilated under the title 'Dante', have some elements in common with Glosa -especially a promenade by three characters. Moreover, the nihilistic cosmovision at its end is written as a countervision of Paradiso; and its composition that puts the present in the perspective from the future is a reverse incarnation of Erich Auerbach's figurative realism. At the same time, the ephemeral epiphany of Glosa is clear through this intertextuality. Especially, the description of embers, adjacent to that epiphany, explains the core of Saer's poetics: narration as an ephemeral act of life driven by the reminiscence in the middle of the nihilistic universe full of melancholy. I wrote an academic article in Spanish based on the paper mentioned above, and am looking for where to publish it. I also prepared the Japanese edition of Glosa, which will be published in 2022.