The purpose of this study is to further clarify the effects of low-dose exposure by using analytical methods in marketing science. The results of the first year of the three-year project are summarized below. Published media and conferences are shown in the blankets.
1)Critical review of the analysis of thyroid Ultrasound examination (TUE) in Fukushima Prefecture
A critical review was conducted on the analysis and papers by Oversight Committee for the Fukushima Health Management Survey (OCFHMS) and the Thyroid Examination Evaluation Subcommittee(TEES). I identified their limitations that lead to loss of information and that of statistical power: (1) exclusion of subjects aged 5 years or younger at the time of the Fukushima Nuclear Power disaster and divison of the rest of objects into 6-15 and 16> years old. (2) the categorization of thyroid doses that were estimated as a continuous variable. (3) aggregation of 59 municipalities in Fukushima into four regions that neglect heterogeneous distribution of radiation dose [Kagaku, June 2021 and April 2022].
2)Re-Analysis of Open Data of TUE
To confirm limitations identified in critical review, re-analysis was conducted using publicly available data on 59 municipalities in Fukushima. Three models were estimated: (a) Four districts dummy are used as a proxy of radiation dose, (b) The average of the radiation dose of municipalities in four districts is used, and (c) the dose of 59 municipalities is used. Among three models, fit of (c) was the best, thus, I confirmed the appropriateness of my argument. Moreover, the positive and significant relationships of radiation exposure → fine needle aspiration → malignancy were confirmed [Kagaku, June 2021; Radiation Effects Society].
3)Critical review of low dose exposure studies
Through a critical review of the analysis of atomic bomb survivors analysis, I also identified problems in the major radiation epidemiologic studies; model selection was not conducted among estimated LNT, nonparametric, threshold models. Through re-analysis of open data of atomic bomb survivors, the LNT model was selected as the best one [ICRP].
4)Evaluation of radiation exposure data
In the second and later years of this project, I will examine the relationship between results of TUE in the Kanto area with radiation exposure. Data on radiation exposure in the Kanto area is scant; government-led measurements were concentrated in Fukushima. I found the citizen-led measurement of Cesium in soil that is released at Minnano Sokutei ("Citizen's measurement") website. I compared their measurement in Fukushima and neighboring areas with air dose measurement from airplanes by MEXT(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) and soil deposition measurement by MEXT. There were a proportional relationship between Minnano Sokutei data and MEXT measured data, thus the reliability of the citizen-led measurements was confirmed.
Based on these findings, analysis between TUE in the Kanto area and radiation dose will be conducted in the second and the late year of this project.