本研究計画では、ASD の重症度評価と診断担保の目的で国際的なゴールドスタンダードの半構造化面接式検査である自閉症診断観察検査:Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2(ADOS-2)を用いている。初年度の平成30 年度は神経発達障害患児 32 例および対照健常児 25 例のデータ収集が完了した。2 年目は、神経発達障害患児 60 例(ASD 患児 30 名、ADHD 患児 30 名)、対照健常児 40 例(ボランティア健常児 28 例、患児兄弟 14 例)のデータ収集が完了した。3年目である今年度は、4例の対象健常児(いずれもボランティア健常児)を追加し、合計104例のデータ収集が完了した。協力者は、最大 3 回の便検体を採取し、保護者による自記式評価尺度として、コナーズ 3、異常行動チェックリスト、感覚プロファイル、便秘や下痢の評価尺度、既往歴や生活習慣の調査票、食習慣に関する調査票を収集した。全ての検体が慶應義塾大学先端生命科学研究所(鶴岡キャンパス)に送られ、腸内細菌叢と糞便中代謝産物の解析が行われているが、新型コロナウイルスの流行により、その解析に遅れが生じたため、令和3年3月29日現在まで結果を待っている状況である。一方、これまで集まっているデータで、発達障害児における消化器症状・感覚異常と問題行動の関連についてThe International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions' (IACAPAP)にて 2020 年 9 月に学会発表を行った。また、同内容の論文化を行い、投稿中である(under review)。今後腸内細菌データの解析が終了し次第、その解析・論文化も行う予定である。
The progress of the research is described below. This research program uses the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2), a semi-structured international gold standard interview test, for the purpose of severity assessment of ASD and diagnosis.
After training of psychologists and doctors have been completed, recruitment and clinical evaluation of 4 to 6 participants have been conducted per month. For the first year, data collection was completed in 32 children with neurodevelopmental disorders, and 25 neurotypical controls. In the second year, we have collected additional data and reached 60 children with neurodevelopmental disorders (30 with ASD and 30 with ADHD), and 42 controls (28 neurotypical children, 14 cases with siblings of patients) control neurotypical children. In the third year, we collected another 4 neurotypical controls. Subjects who have completed data collection have collected up to three stool samples. In addition, as self-administered evaluation scales by parents, Conners 3, Abnormal Behavior Checklist, Sensory Profile, assessment scales of constipation and diarrhea, questionnaires on medical history and lifestyle, and questionnaires on eating habits were collected. All samples were sent to the Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University (Tsuruoka Campus) for analysis of intestinal microflora and fecal metabolites, but due to the delay caused by the outbreak of the new coronavirus, we are still waiting for the results as of 29 March 2021. In the meantime, we have made a presentation in the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions' (IACAPAP) about the study on the relationship between gastrointestinal symptoms, sensory abnormalities and behavioral problems in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. We are also in process of publishing a paper on the same subject, which is currently under review. As soon as the analysis of the bacterial data is completed, we plan to analyze and publish the results.