This research aims to reflect on the modern life science from the perspective of philosophy of science and get closer to the nature of life that conventional research methods have not sufficiently revealed. That does not mean a criticism from philosophy but means a dialogue between the life science and philosophy of science to propose a new methodology.
Since the last century, reductionism and mechanism have been the mainstream in the natural sciences. Therefore the life science has progressed by prioritizing the study of organisms' hardware at the expense of software research. However, in human science, the picture is slightly different. While research on hardware, such as molecular and cellular neurosciences, is making progress, research on software, mainly in cognitive science and psychology, is also developing. The accumulation and integration of both types of research lead to the further development of human science.
Hardware and software researches are like two wheels in a car. We need to simultaneously advance research on life's hardware and software, even outside of human science. In this study, we first integrated cells' hardware research based on molecular biology and our research on the software aspects of cells based on the "cell mind" approach to seek a new picture of the nature of life. We have concluded that it is essential to reject unproductive confrontation between reductionism/mechanism and holism/objectivism in the modern life science and develop a philosophical foundation that fosters the future life science.
Then we prepared a paper to develop such a philosophical foundation. The study argues that holism and teleology play an essential role in understanding the cell, the basic unit of life. We regarded goal-directedness as cells' purpose and extracted the cell minds encompassing it from several examples. We compared the variety of minds, such as unicellular/multicellular and cellular/human minds, and shed new light on the similarities and differences among various living entities. Finally, we discussed that a molecular approach alone is insufficient to investigate the nature of life and that a psychological approach in a broad sense is effective.